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Record ID: c1bff030-fa93-4cc5-b534-8dafbe3d2194
Electronic Resources:'sBehaviour/Minimum_Standards_for_Men's_Behahviour.aspx
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Type: Report
Title: Practice standards for men’s domestic violence behaviour change programs
Authors: NSW Government. Justice Strategy and Policy
Keywords: Men's behaviour change programs
Year: 2017
Publisher: NSW Government

The Practice Standards for Men’s Behaviour Change Programs articulate the NSW Government’s expectations of MBCP providers. The Standards' objective is to provide guidance to ensure programs reflect good practice and are safe and effective in changing the behaviour of men that use violence. The Practice Standards replace the Minimum Standards for Men’s Behaviour Change Programs.


The Standards apply to all group programs for male perpetrators of domestic and family violence in NSW. This includes programs run by government agencies in a community or custodial setting. It also includes programs run by non-government organisations.

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