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Record ID: d890eb1d-ca40-47e6-a3ad-cbb273f82fdb
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Type: Journal Article
Title: The role of perpetrator interventions in acknowledging children as victim-survivors of domestic and family violence in their own right
Authors: McGowan, Jasmine
Helps, Nicola
Fitz-Gibbon, Kate
Keywords: domestic and family violence;perpetrator interventions;victim-survivors;children and young people;men's behaviour change programs
Topic: Children and young people
Impacts of violence
Systems responses
Perpetrator interventions
Systems responses
Population: Children and young people
People who use domestic, family and sexual violence
Year: 2024
Publisher: Taylor & Francis online
Citation: Jan-13
Abstract:  Central to recent domestic and family violence policy and practice reforms at the national and state level in Australia, there has been increasing recognition of the need to build system responses to children and young people as victim-survivors in their own right, as well as growing commitments to develop a suite of perpetrator interventions. These two foci, however, have been implemented in relative isolation from one another. This article critically examines the degree to which the visibility of children and young people as victim-survivors in their own right could be brought to the fore in perpetrator intervention policy and practice in Australia. Drawing on findings from a men's behaviour change program (MBCP) review, this article examines the need for family violence perpetrator interventions to advance opportunities for engagement with children and young people. The article looks at relevant international practice and current Australian national and state policies, concluding that there is both a policy-authorising environment and international models from which to draw to achieve improved support options for children and young people as victim-survivors in their own right through the delivery of MBCPs.
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles
Men’s Behaviour Change Programs (MBCPs)

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