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Record ID: 1691eaa2-0dee-4d75-8cb6-6b5e7d7276b1
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Type: Report
Title: Improving the safety and wellbeing of vulnerable children: A consolidation of systemic recommendations and evidence
Authors: Stevens, Emily
Gahan, Luke
Institutional author: Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS)
Keywords: Child Welfare;Child Protection;Family Services;Social Policy;Service Delivery;Evaluation;Policy
Topic: Children and young people
Impacts of violence
Systems responses
Population: Children and young people
Year: Jun-2024
Publisher: Australian Institute of Family Studies and the Australian Human Rights Commission
Abstract:  This report consolidates systemic recommendations and evidence to improve the safety and wellbeing of vulnerable children in Australia. It provides insights for policy and law makers and advocates seeking to enhance outcomes for these children, drawing from a rich source of information and evidence from past inquiries.
Notes:  Open access
Appears in Collections:Reports

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