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Record ID: a7fa9a47-edfe-4a78-ba05-e2dfb0dd0292
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Type: | Report |
Title: | Pathways to prevention: NSW strategy for the prevention of domestic, family and sexual violence 2024–2028 |
Authors: | New South Wales Department of Communities and Justice |
Keywords: | Domestic and Family Violence (DFV);Responses to Violence;Policy and Advocacy;Indigenous Policy |
Topic: | Primary prevention Sexual violence Systems responses |
Year: | Sep-2024 |
Publisher: | New South Wales Department of Communities and Justice |
Abstract: |
The Pathways to Prevention strategy outlines the NSW Government’s plan for primary prevention of domestic, family, and sexual violence over the period of 2024 to 2028. It emphasises the importance of gender equality, Aboriginal self-determination, and evidence-based approaches. The strategy sets out three key priorities: progressing prevention in priority settings (such as communities, schools, workplaces, and sports clubs), supporting Aboriginal-led prevention efforts, and building centralised supports and the evidence base for long-term prevention work. With a public health approach, the strategy aims to reduce violence by addressing its root causes through widespread, collaborative efforts across multiple sectors.
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Open access
Contents: |
Strategy on a page
Vision: All people and communities in NSW are free from domestic, family, and sexual violence
Guiding principles: Gender equality, evidence informed and evidence building, Aboriginal self-determination, inclusive and intersectional, work in partnership, strengths-based
Priority 1:
Progressing prevention action in priority settings
The NSW community is supported to live in healthy and safe relationships.
NSW has embedded primary prevention efforts across the community with a diverse range of partners and expanded the NSW evidence base.
Focus areas:
Progressing prevention action in priority settings:
- Local communities
- Schools and early childhood education and care
- Workplaces
- Sports clubs and organisations
Priority 2:
Supporting Aboriginal-led prevention
Aboriginal families are healthy and safe, and enjoy equity in their relationships.
Aboriginal-led prevention in NSW is expanded, in collaboration with community leaders, led by skilled staff with ongoing opportunities for professional development.
Focus areas:
- Support Aboriginal-led and evidence-based prevention activities and approaches.
- Codesign and implement initiatives with Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations to reduce the impact of domestic and family violence on Aboriginal communities.
- Strengthen the primary prevention workforce by attracting and supporting Aboriginal employees.
- Work in partnership with local sports clubs to expand existing initiatives that address the gendered drivers of violence for Aboriginal communities relevant to sport, including through workshops and broader awareness campaigns.
- Develop a dedicated NSW Aboriginal Domestic, Family, and Sexual Violence Plan.
Priority 3:
Building centralised supports and the evidence base
NSW has structures and systems to support good governance, collaboration, and coordination across the primary prevention system to support reform now and into the future.
Focus areas:
- Establish a dedicated area within government with responsibility for driving whole-of-government coordination and implementation of this strategy and primary prevention activity in NSW.
- Ensure domestic, family, and sexual violence data, monitoring, and evaluation underpins reporting against this strategy.
- Expand the scope of the domestic, family, and sexual violence research agenda to include a primary prevention stream.
- Support the development of the expert prevention workforce in NSW.
- Deliver whole-of-community campaigns to establish population-level awareness and response to the drivers of domestic, family, and sexual violence.
- Support peak body Domestic Violence NSW to run primary prevention programs aligned to sector needs and priorities and establish a primary prevention Community of Practice.
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Appears in Collections: | Reports
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