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Record ID: ab7c7827-becf-42a0-8eba-8204f8963705
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Type: Report
Title: In their own right: Actions to improve children and young people’s safety from domestic, family and sexual violence
Authors: Gillfeather-Spetere, Sophie
Watson, Amy
Keywords: Research Summary;Policy and Advocacy;Children and Young People;Domestic and Family Violence (DFV);Sexual Violence;Child Abuse and Neglect;Child Sexual Abuse (CSA);Primary Prevention;Legislation and Policy
Topic: Primary prevention
Population: Children and young people
Year: Nov-2024
Publisher: Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS)
Abstract:  This report explores evidence-based actions to enhance the safety and wellbeing of children and young people affected by domestic, family, and sexual violence. It identifies key impacts of violence, underlines the importance of child-centred approaches, and offers eight priority areas for policy action. The report incorporates the voices of young victim-survivors and emphasises the need for primary prevention, trauma-informed systems, and culturally appropriate responses, particularly for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. Recommendations aim to bridge gaps in existing services and advocate for holistic, rights-based reforms.
Notes:  Open access
Ref Id: 01/2024
ISBN: 978-1-925925-67-8
Appears in Collections:ANROWS Publications
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New Australian Research: November 2024

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