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Record ID: 185fbf42-cb0f-4648-8e69-e665dfd154e0
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Type: Journal Article
Title: A randomized clinical trial of acceptance and commitment therapy and the Duluth Model classes for men court-mandated to a domestic violence program
Authors: Zarling, Amie
Russell, Dan
Keywords: Quantitative Research;People who use Domestic, Family, or Sexual Violence;Domestic and Family Violence (DFV);Intimate Partner Violence (IPV);Perpetrator Interventions;Legal and Justice Responses;Corrections and Rehabilitation;Behaviour Change Programs
Topic: Perpetrator interventions
Population: People who use domestic, family and sexual violence
Year: 2022
Citation: 90 (4) 326–338
Abstract:  This article reports on the first randomized controlled trial comparing Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) with the Duluth Model curriculum for men court-mandated to a domestic violence program. ACT is a third-wave cognitive–behavioural therapy aimed at fostering psychological flexibility, while the Duluth Model curriculum is based on feminist theory, focusing on changing attitudes toward women and unlearning power and control motivations. Conducted in community corrections, the study involved 338 men convicted of domestic violence. Participants were assigned to complete either ACT or Duluth Model classes, and outcomes were measured through criminal justice data and victim reports. Results showed that while ACT participants did not differ in domestic assault charges compared to Duluth participants, they acquired significantly fewer violent and nonviolent charges. Victim reports indicated ACT participants engaged in fewer IPV behaviours on the Conflict Tactics Scale, the Controlling Behaviours Scale, and the Stalking Behaviour Checklist. The findings highlight the potential of ACT to reduce violent and nonviolent criminal behaviour compared to the Duluth Model classes.
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles
Men’s Behaviour Change Programs (MBCPs)

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