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Record ID: 663bdf44-145f-47d5-9a39-105efd6ac60b
DOI: 10.1093/bjsw/bcs049
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Type: Journal Article
Title: Why extending measurements of "success" in domestic violence perpetrator programmes matters for social work
Authors: Westmarland, Nicole
Kelly, Liz
Keywords: International Perspectives;Perpetrator Interventions;People who use Domestic, Family, or Sexual Violence;Qualitative Research;Social Work;Behaviour Change Programs
Topic: Perpetrator interventions
Population: People who use domestic, family and sexual violence
Year: 2013
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Citation: 43(6), 1092–1110
Abstract:  This article explores how ‘success’ is measured in domestic violence perpetrator programmes (DVPPs), arguing for an expanded understanding beyond the cessation of physical violence. Using qualitative data from interviews with 73 stakeholders, including programme participants, their partners/ex-partners, programme staff, and funders, the study identifies six indicators of success: improved relationships, expanded space for action for women, safety and freedom from abuse, positive parenting, enhanced awareness in perpetrators, and safer childhoods. The findings suggest that social work should adopt a broader definition of success that includes empowerment, well-being, and systemic change.
Description: Open access
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles
Men’s Behaviour Change Programs (MBCPs)

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