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Record ID: cc68ea5c-aecc-4c64-8d87-f0438073df1b
Type: Journal Article
Title: KODY, an all-of-family response to co-occurring substance use and domestic violence: Protocol for a quasi-experimental intervention trial
Authors: Kertesz, Margaret
Humphreys, Cathy
Fogden, Larissa
Scott, Katreena
Laslett, Anne-Marie
Tsantefski, Menka
Keywords: People who use Domestic, Family, or Sexual Violence;People with Drug and/or Alcohol Issues;Alcohol and/or Other Drugs;Domestic and Family Violence (DFV);Behaviour Change Programs;Perpetrator Interventions;Policy Analysis and Program Evaluation;Parenting and Families;Children and Young People;Implementation Research
Topic: Children and young people
Perpetrator interventions
Population: Children and young people
People who use domestic, family and sexual violence
Year: 2022
Publisher: BMC (BioMed Central)
Citation: Vol. 22, Article 291, 2022
Abstract:  This study protocol outlines a quasi-experimental intervention trial evaluating the KODY program, an all-of-family response designed to address co-occurring substance use and domestic violence. The trial compares the KODY intervention, which integrates Men’s Behaviour Change Programs with additional support for families, against the standard Caring Dads program. The study aims to assess improvements in the safety and well-being of women and children affected by men’s use of violence and substance misuse. It explores the effectiveness of this integrated approach in reducing perpetrator recidivism, increasing engagement with child-centered fathering, and enhancing service responses. The study findings are expected to inform policy development and improve intervention strategies for families impacted by domestic violence and substance use.
Description: <b>Open access</b>
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles
Men’s Behaviour Change Programs (MBCPs)

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