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Record ID: 370340b3-b344-4da7-bffd-a73ff6582756
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Type: Journal Article
Title: Beyond co-occurrence: Addressing the intersections of domestic violence, mental health, and substance misuse
Authors: Humphreys, Cathy
Heward-Belle, Susan
Tsantefski, Menka
Isobe, Jasmin
Healey, Lucy
Keywords: People who use Domestic, Family, or Sexual Violence;People with Drug and/or Alcohol Issues;People with Mental Health Issues;Children and Young People;Parenting and Families;Qualitative Research;Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Services;Alcohol and/or Other Drugs;Child Protection;Implementation Research;Social Work;Practitioner Expertise
Population: Children and young people
People who use domestic, family and sexual violence
People with drug and/or alcohol issues
People with mental health issues
Year: 2022
Publisher: Wiley
Citation: Volume 27, Issue 2
Abstract:  This study examines the intersections of domestic violence, mental health issues, and substance misuse in child protection and family service systems. Conducted in Australia as part of The STACY Project: Safe and Together Addressing ComplexitY, the research combines thematic analysis of 28 Community of Practice (CoP) meetings with semi-structured interviews with 28 frontline workers from government and non-government organisations. Findings indicate that child protection, mental health, and substance use services often operate in siloed ways, contributing to 'domestic violence blind' practice. However, introducing a shared framework for cross-sector collaboration helps professionals generate more holistic and survivor-centred responses. The research underscores the importance of practitioner capacity-building to ensure domestic violence remains visible when working with families experiencing complex, intersecting issues.
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