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Record ID: 623a3f76-a0df-4cb4-82fd-d45dcd2d891a
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Type: Report
Title: The views of Australian judicial officers on domestic and family violence perpetrator interventions
Authors: Fitz-Gibbon, Kate
Maher, JaneMaree
Thomas, Kate
McGowan, Jasmine
McCulloch, Jude
Burley, Jessica
Pfitzner, Naomi
Keywords: Mixed Methods Research;Policy Analysis and Program Evaluation;People who use Domestic, Family, or Sexual Violence;Perpetrator Interventions;Criminal Justice System;Legal and Justice Responses;Behaviour Change Programs;Domestic and Family Violence (DFV);Risk Assessment and Management
Topic: Legal and justice responses
Perpetrator interventions
Population: People who use domestic, family and sexual violence
Year: 2020
Publisher: Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS)
Abstract:  This report explores the perspectives of Australian judicial officers on domestic and family violence (DFV) perpetrator interventions. Drawing on in-depth interviews with judges, magistrates, and key stakeholders across all Australian states and territories, the study examines how judicial officers understand and apply perpetrator interventions, including sentencing, family violence intervention orders (FVIOs), and behaviour change programs. The research identifies key challenges, such as inconsistencies in judicial responses, limited knowledge of intervention program availability, and barriers to court monitoring of compliance. Findings highlight the need for better integration of perpetrator interventions within the criminal justice system, increased judicial education on DFV interventions, and clearer national frameworks to improve perpetrator accountability. The report provides recommendations for judicial training, improved access to intervention programs, and the development of a national online register of available perpetrator intervention services.
Notes:  Open access
Ref Id: 13/2020
Appears in Collections:ANROWS Publications
Men’s Behaviour Change Programs (MBCPs)

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