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Record ID: 9c8f42d5-3ad9-409a-888f-8f8bb3ce8985
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dc.contributor.authorBrown, Chay-
dc.contributor.authorSpitzkowsky, Fiona-
dc.description.abstractThis report presents baseline findings from the evaluation of the Men’s Behaviour Change Program – Peer Support (MBCP-PS) initiative, funded by the Paul Ramsay Foundation’s Specialist Domestic, Family Violence grants. The initiative integrates peer support workers (PSWs) with lived experience of Men’s Behaviour Change (MBC) programs to support current participants, leveraging shared experiences to enhance engagement, accountability, and behaviour change. <br><br> The report documents the program model, practice learnings, and key impacts through qualitative data collection, including focus group discussions with MBC participants, staff, and PSWs. Findings highlight the strengths and challenges of integrating peer support into MBC programs, with particular focus on cultural safety, program sustainability, and the role of lived experience in behaviour change interventions. The evaluation also identifies the need for clear program guidelines, role clarity for PSWs, and long-term support structures to sustain program outcomes. <br><br> Key recommendations include strengthening cultural responsiveness, ensuring structured supervision for PSWs, and addressing challenges in recruitment and retention. The report contributes to the evidence base for peer support models within perpetrator intervention programs and highlights the unique benefits and considerations for Aboriginal-led initiatives.en_US
dc.publisherTangentyere Council Aboriginal Corporationen_US
dc.subjectPolicy Analysis and Program Evaluationen_US
dc.subjectAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoplesen_US
dc.subjectBehaviour Change Programsen_US
dc.subjectHealing and Recoveryen_US
dc.subjectHealing Programsen_US
dc.subjectLived Expertiseen_US
dc.subjectHealing Programsen_US
dc.subjectPeople who use Domestic, Family, or Sexual Violenceen_US
dc.subjectCommunity-led Interventionsen_US
dc.subjectPerpetrator Interventionsen_US
dc.subjectPathways into and out of Perpetrationen_US
dc.titlePeer support baseline report: Tangentyere Council Her Story Mparntween_US
dc.subject.keywordIndigenous-led Responsesen_US
dc.subject.keyworddomestic violence perpetrator programsen_US
dc.subject.keywordBatterer intervention programs (BIPs)en_US
dc.subject.keywordMen's Behaviour Change Programs (MBCPs)en_US
dc.subject.keywordpeer supporten_US
dc.description.notesOpen accessen_US
dc.subject.anratopicPerpetrator interventionsen_US
dc.subject.anrapopulationAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoplesen_US
dc.subject.anrapopulationPeople who use domestic, family and sexual violenceen_US
Appears in Collections:Men’s Behaviour Change Programs (MBCPs)

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