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Record ID: cbc8f7b4-27cf-4456-baf6-422003b7f068
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Type: Report
Title: Reforming the family violence system in Victoria : report of the Statewide Steering Committee to Reduce Family Violence
Authors: Statewide Steering Committee to Reduce Family Violence
Keywords: Policy;Interagency work
Year: 2005
Publisher: Office of Women's Policy, Department for Victorian Communities
Notes:  This reports on the developments in Victoria and a model to guide the re-alignment of resources as a result of the Victorian Government’s establishment of the Statewide Steering Committee to Reduce Family Violence in 2002 to look at a multi-agency and integrated response. This model is developed in the context of the Women’s Safety Strategy.

It outlines principles guiding systems for reform, and sets out the background of family violence and its impact.

It looks at current Government policy for integrated response and foundations for an integrated family violence service system, including quality practice approaches, gendered analysis, and responding to diversity.

It identifies the model for system integration with key elements for initial access, assessment of client’s risks and needs, information and referral, and intervention and coordination.

It outlines requirements for system integration such as key partners and support agencies, key practice changes and intersections, processes and tools for system integration.

Governance arrangements such as a state-wide family advisory committee, a regional family advisory committee, regional coordinators, local family violence committees and internal agency implementation committees, as well as monitoring and evaluation, are described and proposed.
Physical description: 62 p. ; 30 cm.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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