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Record ID: 9e1627cc-9eae-41fe-8ce1-779a24cf8e03
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Type: Report
Title: Serving up a Fair Go? Surfacing cultural issues in hospitality employment
Authors: Robinson, Richard N.S.
Keywords: Abuse;Bullying;hospitality employees
Topic: Natural disasters and pandemics
Data and statistics
Sexual violence
Population: Children and young people
Year: 2022
Publisher: University of Queensland

A survey of hospitality employees working in Australia, administered ‘amid-COVID-19’ across late 2021 and early 2022 yielded 383 usable responses. The survey sought to understand hospitality industry employee perceptions of their working experiences relative to the five Fairwork Principles: fair contracts, fair pay, fair conditions, fair representation, and fair management. The survey was also administered by international colleagues to hospitality workers in Ireland, Scotland, Norway, Greece, and New Zealand.

Appears in Collections:Reports

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