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Record ID: 04e9e13d-cc1b-4b91-a9a2-49b2c8520437
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Type: Report
Title: The Australian National Research Agenda to End Violence against Women and Children (ANRA) 2023–2028
Authors: Lloyd, Jane
Dembele, Lula
Dawes, Cassandra
Jane, Sarah
MacMillan, Lucy
Institutional author: ANROWS
Keywords: Violence against women
Topic: Children and young people
Data and statistics
Drivers and/or risk factors of violence
Health, primary care and specialist service responses
Housing and homelessness
Systems responses
Natural disasters and pandemics
Perpetrator interventions
Policing and legal responses
Primary prevention
Sexual violence
Technology-facilitated abuse
Population: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
Children and young people
Culturally and linguistically diverse communities
LGBTQ communities
Older people
People with disability
Rural and remote communities
People who have been incarcerated
Year: 2023
Publisher: ANROWS
Abstract:  The Australian National Research Agenda (ANRA) is Australia’s guide to promote and support the creation of research that is needed to end violence against women and children. The development of the ANRA was led by ANROWS. An independent national research organisation, established in 2013, whose vision is to build the evidence base that supports ending violence against women and children in Australia. This is the third ANRA that ANROWS has developed (with previous ANRAs released in 2014 and 2020). The ANRA identifies what knowledge needs to be created if we are to end violence against women and children AND provides guidance on how knowledge ought to be created if we are to be inclusive, person centred and action oriented. Through a targeted approach to generating evidence, the ANRA supports the National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children 2022–2032 (the National Plan) and its ambition to reach this goal in one generation.1 The ANRA is a national framework, produced by ANROWS, that can be used by the community of committed people and organisations who are working to grow the evidence base: researchers, funders, policymakers, services, survivor advocates and social impact organisations.
Physical description: 92p.
Appears in Collections:ANROWS Publications
Men’s Behaviour Change Programs (MBCPs)

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