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Record ID: 9800819d-d03e-473e-a95c-735968f09d6a
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Type: Report
Title: Understanding the attitudes and motivations of adults who engage in image-based abuse
Authors: Mortreux, Colette
Kellard, Karen
Henry, Nicola
Flynn, Asher
Keywords: Qualitative Research;Digital and Technology-Facilitated Abuse;People who use Domestic, Family, or Sexual Violence;Perpetrator Characteristics;Drivers of Violence;Perpetrator Interventions
Topic: Perpetrator interventions
Technology-facilitated abuse
Population: People who use domestic, family and sexual violence
Year: 2019
Publisher: eSafety Commissioner
Abstract:  This report, commissioned by the eSafety Commissioner and conducted by the Social Research Centre in collaboration with RMIT and Monash University, explores the motivations, beliefs, and attitudes of adults who engage in image-based abuse (IBA). The qualitative research involved interviews with 16 adults who had engaged in IBA and 12 stakeholders working with perpetrators. Findings reveal five typologies of IBA: relationship-based abuse, sharing identifiable images, sharing unsolicited images, child exploitation-related IBA, and capturing images of strangers. The report highlights that motivations for IBA vary, including retribution, power and control, social status, sexual gratification, and entertainment. A key concern identified is the lack of awareness among perpetrators regarding the legal ramifications of their actions. The report also examines intervention pathways, including barriers to identifying and engaging perpetrators in therapeutic programs, and suggests strategies to improve visibility and response to IBA within intervention services.
Notes:  Open access
Appears in Collections:Men’s Behaviour Change Programs (MBCPs)

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