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Record ID: 2e3970b8-aa0e-448e-9f74-67392c56e71b
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Type: Report
Title: The Man Box 2024: Re-examining what it means to be a man in Australia
Authors: The Men’s Project, Jesuit Social Services
Flood, Michael
Keywords: Children and Young People;Gender Relations, Norms and Attitudes;Community Attitudes;Drivers of Violence;People who use Domestic, Family, or Sexual Violence;Perpetrator Characteristics;Primary Prevention;Mental Health;Social and Relational Impacts;Risk Factors for Violence;Quantitative Research
Topic: Children and young people
Drivers of violence
Gender relations, gender norms and attitudes
Population: Children and young people
People who use domestic, family and sexual violence
Year: 2024
Publisher: Jesuit Social Services
Abstract:  This report examines contemporary masculinity norms in Australia through the 2024 iteration of The Man Box study. Conducted by The Men’s Project at Jesuit Social Services in partnership with Respect Victoria, the study investigates the pressures young men experience to conform to traditional gender norms and the impact of these norms on attitudes, behaviours, and well-being. Expanding on previous studies from 2018 and 2020, the 2024 report surveys over 3,500 Australian men aged 18 to 45. Key findings reveal that a significant proportion of young men feel societal pressure to adhere to rigid masculinity norms, which are associated with increased risk of violent attitudes and behaviours, mental health struggles, and engagement in harmful risk-taking activities. The study further highlights the correlation between high levels of adherence to traditional masculinity and increased perpetration of intimate partner violence, sexual harassment, and bullying. The report outlines recommendations for policy reform, workforce capacity building, and community awareness-raising initiatives aimed at fostering healthier masculinities and gender equality.
Notes:  Open access
Appears in Collections:Men’s Behaviour Change Programs (MBCPs)

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