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Record ID: 9127db71-200a-481d-88f3-f94a0c2b482f
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Type: Report
Title: Defining quality of life indicators for measuring perpetrator intervention effectiveness
Authors: McLaren, Helen
Fischer, Jane
Zannettino, Lana
Keywords: Intimate Partner Violence (IPV);Mixed Methods Research;Lived Expertise;Victims and Survivors;Policy Analysis and Program Evaluation;Perpetrator Interventions;Behaviour Change Programs;Qualitative Research
Topic: Perpetrator interventions
Year: 2020
Publisher: Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS)
Abstract:  This report examines quality of life (QOL) as a victim-centred outcome measure in the evaluation of perpetrator interventions (MPIs). It explores how QOL assessments from women who have experienced intimate partner violence (IPV) can inform evaluations of the effectiveness of these programs. Drawing on a mixed-methods approach, the research included a literature review, interviews with 100 women across Australia, and consultations with IPV sector professionals. Findings indicate that while MPIs may contribute to changes in QOL, they also present challenges, particularly in addressing broader systemic factors that shape women's safety and wellbeing. The study identifies key QOL priorities for women affected by IPV, including autonomy, informal supports, emotional health, safety, and the wellbeing of children and pets. The report highlights the importance of integrating QOL measures into MPI evaluations to ensure they align with the experiences and needs of victim-survivors.
Notes:  Open access
ISBN: 978-1-925925-18-0 (online)
Appears in Collections:ANROWS Publications
Men’s Behaviour Change Programs (MBCPs)

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