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Record ID: d88d31f3-95ee-4753-8107-c60e93c50014
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Type: Report
Title: The cost of violence against women and their children in Australia: Final report
Authors: KPMG
Keywords: Housing and Homelessness;People with Disabilities;Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples;Impacts of Violence;Economic and Financial Impacts;Physical Health;Prevalence of Violence;Mental Health
Topic: Impacts of violence
Population: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
People with disability
Year: 2016
Publisher: Department of Social Services
Abstract:  This report provides an economic analysis of the costs associated with violence against women and their children in Australia. Commissioned by the Department of Social Services and prepared by KPMG, the report estimates that in 2015–16, the total cost of violence against women and their children reached $22 billion. The analysis highlights the significant economic and social burden borne by victim-survivors, governments, and communities. It identifies key cost categories, including health services, lost productivity, justice system expenses, and long-term social impacts. The report also examines gaps in prevalence data, particularly for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women, pregnant women, women with disabilities, and women experiencing homelessness, estimating that their underrepresentation in official statistics may add an additional $4 billion to the total cost. The findings underscore the need for continued policy action, investment in prevention, and improved data collection to address the financial and social implications of violence against women in Australia.
Notes:  Open access
Appears in Collections:Men’s Behaviour Change Programs (MBCPs)

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