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Record ID: 7dbd4302-a268-42a9-9a04-6024acc56e3a
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Type: Report
Title: Invisible practices: Intervention with fathers who use violence
Authors: Healey, Lucy
Humphreys, Cathy
Tsantefski, Menka
Heward-Belle, Susan
Mandel, David
Keywords: Mixed Methods Research;People who use Domestic, Family, or Sexual Violence;Perpetrator Interventions;Practitioner Expertise;Domestic and Family Violence (DFV);Children and Young People;Policy Analysis and Program Evaluation;Risk Assessment;Parenting and Families
Topic: Perpetrator interventions
Population: Children and young people
People who use domestic, family and sexual violence
Year: 2018
Publisher: Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS)
Abstract:  This report examines the Invisible Practices project, a research initiative aimed at developing workforce capacity for intervening with fathers who use violence. Conducted across four Australian states—New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, and Western Australia—the project engaged statutory and non-statutory services in a mixed-methods evaluation, incorporating action research, literature review, and practitioner-focused Communities of Practice (CoPs). The research highlights the challenges and strategies for working with fathers who use domestic and family violence, partnering with women, and maintaining a child-centred approach. Findings underscore the importance of perpetrator accountability, trauma-informed practice, and organisational support to enhance practitioner safety and effectiveness. The report contributes to the growing evidence base on perpetrator interventions and the application of the Safe & Together Model in Australian contexts.
Notes:  Open access
Ref Id: 04/2018
ISBN: 978-1-925372-95-3 (online)
Appears in Collections:ANROWS Publications
Men’s Behaviour Change Programs (MBCPs)

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