Subject: Animal abuse

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 48  next >
1997The abuse of animals and domestic violence: a national survey of shelters for women who are batteredWeber, Claudia V; Ascione, Frank R; Wood, David SJournal Article 
2017Animal cruelty as an indicator of family trauma: Using adverse childhood experiences to look beyond child abuse and domestic violenceHardt, Nancy; Bright, Melissa A; Sayedul Huq, Mona; Spencer, Terry; Applebaum, Jennifer WJournal Article 
2006Animal cruelty by children exposed to domestic violenceCurrie, Cheryl LJournal Article 
2018Animal maltreatment in households experiencing family violenceMcDonald, Shelby ElaineBook Chapter 
2018Animal victims of domestic and family violence : raising youth awarenessCoorey-Ewings, Carl; Coorey, LylaJournal Article 
2006Animal-assisted therapy for children affected by family violence and homelessness: 'animals shouldn't feel that way - and neither should peopleDamiani, Karen; Lewis, NerysJournal Article 
2004Attitude to animals: An indicator of risk of interpersonal violence?Taylor, Nicola; Signal, TaniaJournal Article 
2007Battered pets and domestic violence: animal abuse reported by women experiencing intimate violence and by nonabused womenMaruyama, Mika; Hayashi, Kentaro; Ascione, Frank R; Weber, Claudia V; Thompson, Teresa M; Heath, JohnJournal Article 
2004Child abuse, domestic violence and animal abuse: considering the linksTaylor, NicolaJournal Article 
2009Childhood and adolescent animal cruelty methods and their possible link to adult violent crimesHensley, Christopher; Tallichet, Suzanne EJournal Article 
2004The co-occurrence of family violence and animal abuse : a comparison of violent and non-violent familiesGullone, Eleonora; Johnson, Judy; Volant, AnneElectronic publication 
2013Coercive control and abused women’s decisions about their pets when seeking shelterWeber, Cheryl; Miles, Teresa; Hardesty, Jennifer L; Khaw, Lyndal; Ridgway, Marcella DJournal Article 
2015Companion animal abuseConroy, AdaJournal Article 
2016Criminal histories of a subsample of animal cruelty offendersLoper, Ann B; Levitt, Lacey; Hoffer, Tia AJournal Article 
2004Crosstrails: a unique foster program to provide safety for pets of women in safehousesSchoenfeld-Tacher, Regina; Jansen-Lock, Pia; Kogan, Lori R.; McConnell, SherryJournal Article 
2002Domestic violence & animal abuse: encouraging collaborative relations between animal welfare and human welfare agencies in AustraliaJohnson, Judy; Gullone, Eleonora; Fawcett, Nicholas RJournal Article 
2001Domestic violence and animal abuseJohnson, JudyConference Paper 
2003Domestic violence and animal cruelty: untangling the web of abuseFaver, Catherine A; Strand, Elizabeth BJournal Article 
2016Domestic violence and companion animals in the context of LGBT people's relationshipsRiggs, Damien W; Taylor, Nik; Fraser, HeatherJournal Article 
2016Domestic violence service providers' capacity for supporting transgender women : findings from an Australian workshopDonovan, Catherine; Riggs, Damien W; Fraser, Heather; Taylor, Nik; Signal, TaniaJournal Article