The ANROWS Digital Library provides links to a broad range of evidence in the violence against women sector including research papers, reports and resources.

The library is committed to providing access to high-quality and accessible (open access) evidence to ensure that researchers, policymakers and practitioners have access to research and resources that are relevant to their work in the prevention of violence against women.
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Migrant and refugee women: A national study of experiences of, understandings of and responses to sexual harassment in the workplace
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Feb-2023Intimate Partner Violence among Current and Ex-Serving Australian Defence Force Personnel and Families: Summary of FindingsPhoenix Australia: Centre for Posttraumatic Mental HealthFact sheet
Research_20Report_20-_20Family_20relationships_20and_20the_20disclosure_20of_20institutional_20child_20sexual_20abuse_20-_20Treatment_20and_20support_20needs.pdf.jpg2016Family relationships and the disclosure of institutional child sexual abuse : report for the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual AbuseStathopoulos, Mary; Quadara, Antonia; Carson, RachelReport
2023Working with or against the system: Nurses' and midwives' process of providing abortion care in the context of gender-based violence in AustraliaMainey, Linda; O'mullan, Catherine; Reid-Searl, KerryJournal Article
2022Major sports events and domestic violence: A systematic reviewHooker, Leesa; Forsdike, Kirsty; O'Sullivan, GrantJournal Article
20042004-05 second action plan addressing violence and safety issues for women in the ACTACT Office for WomenReport
2020Problem Drinking, Unemployment, and Intimate Partner Violence among a Sample of Construction Industry Workers and their PartnersCunradi, Carol B; Ames, Genevieve M; Duke, Michael; Todd, MichaelJournal Article
2012Violence during pregnancy and the postpartum periodArcara, Jennet; Davis, Lonna; Pollock, McLean D; Martin, Sandra LJournal Article
2017Care of the adolescent after an acute sexual assaultLeventhal, John M; Committee on Adolescence; Committee on Child Abuse and Neglect; Crawford-Jakubiak, James E; Alderman, Elizabeth MJournal Article
2004Family violence IS a workplace issue : workplace models to prevent family violenceVictorian Community Council Against ViolenceBooklet
2011Different types of intimate partner violence - an exploration of the literatureWangmann, JaneJournal Article